

In this week's lecture the class discussed the meaning of ordering principles, how they are used , and how they can be identified. There are 6 ordering principles that help define architecture. Those 6 ordering principles are AXIS, SYMMETRY, HIERARCHY, DATUM, RHYTHM, and TRANSFORMATION.

The building above is the SF MOMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts) it was designed by a Swiss architect named Mario Botta. the SF MOMA is also a perfect example of ordering principles. This building has symmetry, if the photo above could be folded in half the two side would look almost identical. I also see datum in this structure, the building has many elements that are involved but everything is branched off of the center line. The other ordering principle present is hierarchy, the structure of the building is sort of formed like steps and the structure located in the center is the highest and draws the most attention from the eye.

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