

First lecture of the semester, I met my Professor Amily Huang, she talked a bit about herself and I learned a lot about her. She also talked about inspiration and what inspires architects. Amily's 5 sources of inspiration for architects are MUSIC, NATURE, BIOLOGY,ART,LITERATURE.
She showed us some work from a few architects such as I.M Pei and Andy Goldsworthy.

This is a "leaf sculpture" created by Andy Goldsworthy. Andy is an artist that creates his art in nature, with nature.He takes natural materials and transforms them into a piece of art then sets them free in their environment. Although his work may go unseen, all of them still exist on this Earth in some type of way.  His goal is to place his "touch" into the heart of nature.

This work is called Dandelion and the Valiant Flower by Kara Cusolito, I found this inspiring I took and took a snapshot on 7th and Market in San Francisco. I was intrigued and thought just how Andy Goldsworthy brings his creation into nature, this artist brings nature to the city.

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